
The 10th August is National Lazy Day. You might think this is a bizarre thing to have a special day for. But being lazy can be good for our mental and physical health, if done in moderation obviously.

In an interview, Matt Le Blanc (aka Joey in Friends) said that his favourite thing to do was nothing.  The audience laughed, but why not? As he said, it takes no planning and doesn't cost anything.

Spending time sitting and thinking, taking time for yourself to relax are all important.

Today, we are all rushing around from one thing to another. Technology is almost a constant with us. 

Take time to sit and relax today.  Reduce your stress levels. By taking that time, that time away from our day to day lives and hassles, it can give us a new perspective of what we want to achieve in our lives. It can also leave us feeling more mentally refreshed and ready for the next thing.

So have a lazy day today!