Today is World Forestry Day. The aim of the day is to raise our awareness of just how important trees are to everyone and everything living on our planet. Did you know that 28% of the oxygen produced on Earth comes from our trees and rainforests? A massive 72% comes from plant life in the ocean, but trees do more than their fair share.
Trees also help to pull carbon out of the air and replace it with oxygen.
They clean our air.
They provide homes for animals, birds and insects.
They provide shelter and warmth, as well as shade and coolness if we need it.
Trees are also good for our mental and physical health. Go for a walk in a forest or wood today if you can. Or walk near to some trees. Try forest bathing - this is walking mindfully through trees, paying attention to our senses, to what is around us.
Trees are massively important to everyone.
Do you want to learn more about trees? Have a look at our eBooks -
Trees and Shrubs for Small Gardens
Trees and Shrubs for Warm Places
If you are interested in learning more about nature and mental health, have a look at our Ecotherapy short course.