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This book contains everything you need to know about growing tropical plants including:

  • information on soil and fertilisers

  • potting soils

  • dealing with situations unique to tropical climates (such as the rapid breakdown of fertilisers and organic materials)

  • cultivating plants in very alkaline soils found on coral islands and shell beach areas

  • water management

  • ways to apply and conserve water

  • planning your garden

  • container gardening

  • utilising hydroponic techniques

The last part of the book deals with particular types of tropical plants, such as flowering trees, shrubs and climbers, and herbaceous plants (including annuals, perennials, bulbs, etc.), as well as foliage plants like ferns, palms, philodendron, cordyline and others. Tropical Fruit plants are also covered.



This book is an excellent starting point for successful gardening in the tropics and sub tropics. It is not a comprehensive manual, but it does deal with a large variety of the most commonly grown plants. The information is based upon personal experiences of the author (John Mason) and his staff at the Australian Horticultural Correspondence School, cross referenced with reputable references from South East Asia, the Pacific and other parts of the world.

Lush growth, vivid colours and a warmth in the air which makes anyone feel relaxed; these are what we strive for in a tropical garden. All too often though, we get uncomfortable sweltering heat, wilting plants and armies of insects that eat the garden faster than it grows. This book shows you how to get closer to the first of these options, and ways of overcoming those problems which are particular to gardens in warm climates.


Pages: 121

Photos: 162

ISBN: 978-0-9871022-5-6 


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 how to grow tropical plants
Getting to know plants; What do we mean by tropical or subtropical? ; Warm climate gardening; Soils and fertilisers;Improving soils; Water management; Lighting; Planting; Take a simple approach to planting; Ways to help plants get established; Common problems; Container growing and gardening

Chapter 2 bulbs and herbaceous perennials 
Achimenes; Agapanthus; Alocasia; Alpinia; Alstroemeria; Amaryllis; Amomum; Amorphophallus; Aristea (syn. Witsenia); Babiana; Boophone; Brunsvigia; Caladium; Calathea; Calostemma; Canna; Clivia; Colocasia; Costus; Crinum; Crocosmia; Curcuma; Cyrtanthus; Dichorisandra; Dierama; Eucharis; Eucomis; Gladiolus; Globba; Gloriosa; Habranthus (sometimes included under zephranthes); Haemanthus; Hedychium; Heliconia; Hippeastrum; Hymenocallis; Hypoxis; Iris; Kaempferia; Kniphofia; Lilium; Lycoris; Maranta; Moraea (syn. Dietes); Nicolaia; Ornithogalum; Phaedranassa; Sparaxis; Sprekelia; Tacca; Zephyranthes; Zingiber

Chapter 3 low growing plants 
Aeschynanthus; Aglaonema; Ajuga; Alternanthera; Anthurium; Argyranthemum (syn. Chrysanthemum); Aspidistra; Begonia; Catharanthus; Coleus (some coleus have been reclassified into the genus: solenostemon); Episcia; Gerbera; Hypoestes; Impatiens; Iresine; Kalanchoe; Mirabilis; Nandina; Peperomia; Pilea; Piper; Plectranthus; Protasparagus (syn. Asparagus); Rhoeo; Russelia; Sansevieria; Schlumbergera; Selaginella; Spathiphyllum; Strelitzia

Chapter 4 climbers
Allamanda; Antigonon;Aristolochia; Beaumontia; Bignonia; Bougainvillea; Campsis; Ceropegia; Cissus; Clematis; Clerodendrum; Clianthus; Clitoria; Clytostoma; Combretum; Congea; Ficus; Hoya; Ipomoea; Jasminum; Mandevilla; Manettia; Mucuna; Pandorea; Passiflora; Philodendron; Pyrostegia; Scindapsis; Solanum; Syngonium; Tecomanthe; Thunbergia; Trachelospermum

Chapter 5 trees & shrubs 
Abelia; Abutilon; Acalypha; Adenium; Albizzia; Allocasurina (casuarina); Aphelandra; Ardisia; Barleria; Bauhinia; Bixa; Brachychiton; Breynia; Browallia; Brunfelsia; Bouvardia; Caesalpinia; Calliandra; Callicarpa; Callistemon; Camellia; Cananga (syn canangium); Carissa; Cassia; Cestrum (syn. Habromanthus); Codiaeum; Crossandra; Delonix; Dizygotheca; Duranta; Echium; Elaeocarpus; Eranthemum ; Erythrina; Ervatamia (syn. Tabernaemontana); Eucalyptus; Euphorbia; Ficus; Galphimia (syn. Thryallis); Gardenia; Gmelina; Graptophyllum; Grevillea; Grewia; Holmskioldia; Hibiscus; Iochroma; Ixora; Jacaranda; Jacobinia (see justicia); Jatropha; Justicia (syn. Jacobinia); Lagerstroemia; Lantana; Leea; Malpighia; Malviscus; Medinilla; Melaleuca; Melastoma; Melicope (syn evodia); Murraya; Mussaenda; Nerium; Ochna; Osmanthus; Pachystachys; Pentas; Pittosporum; Plumbago; Plumeria; Polyscias (syn. Terminatia); Punica; Raphiolepis; Reinwardtia; Rhododendron; Rondeletia; Ruellia; Sanchezia; Schefflera (syn. Brassaia); Senna; Solanum; Spathodea; Streptosolen; Strobilanthes (syn. Goldfussia); Syzygium; Tecoma; Terminalia; Tetrapanax; Thevetia; Tibouchina; Westringia

Chapter 6 conifers 
Agathis; Araucaria; Callitris; Cupressus;Hybrid; X cupressocyparis; Juniperus; Pinus (some types); Podocarpus; Taxodium; Thuja

Chapter 7 bamboos, grasses & grass-like plants
Arundinaria; Bambusa; Carex; Cortaderia; Dianella; Imperata (syn. Miscanthus); Liriope 100; Ophiopogon; Pennisetum (syn. Grymnothrix); Phyllostachys; Saccharum

Chapter 8 palms and palm-like plants
Self-cleaning or not; Solitary or clump-forming; Pinnate or fan-shaped fronds; Propagation; Archontophoenix; Areca; Arecastrum (syn. Syagrus, cocos plumosa); Arenga; Beaucarnea (syn. Nolina); Bismarckia; Carpentaria; Caryota; Chamaedorea; Chamaerops; Chambeyronia; Cocos; Cordyline; Corypha; Cycas; Cyrtostachys; Dioon; Dracaena; Dypsis (syn. Chrysalidocarpus); Howea; Hyphorbe (syn. Mascarena); Licuala; Livistonia; Macrozamia; Neodypsis; Normanbya; Pandanus; Phoenix; Pritchardia; Ptychosperma; Rhapis; Ravanala; Roystonia (syn. Oreodoxa); Veitchia; Verschafeltia; Washingtonia; Wodyetia; Yucca; Zamia



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Tropical Plants - PDF ebook Tropical Plants - PDF ebook
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