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Human Nutrition - PDF Ebook
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Throughout history there has been a vast array of nutritional claims and dietary advice. For example, there is evidence of dietary regimes involving fasting as far back as in Ancient Greece and many examples since of diet being used either to restrict intake to lose weight or to act as a cure for a medical complaint. This book will give you the background necessary to understand these theories and make better choices for yourself.
Pages: 41
Images: 43
ISBN: 978-0-9871395-8-0
Book Contents
Chapter 1 The Digestive System -Everyone is different
Nutrition and nutrients
General health recommendations
Examples of serving size
Chapter 2. Modifying Diet for a Particular Lifestyle or Genetic Disposition
Cultural differences
Genetic considerations
Chapter 3. Foods and Nutrition
Why do we need to know the nutritional content in foods?
Nutrients provided by the five food groups
Chapter 4. Nutrition and Health Disorders
How diet may affect skin
Diet and our bones, joints and muscles
Nutrition and the heart
Diet and the respiratory system
Diet and the urinary system
Diet and the digestive system
Diet and the brain/mental health
Chapter 5. How to Find Reliable information on Nutrition
Nutritional research
Sources of nutritional information
Conditions requiring dietary advice
Weight loss diets
Nutritional supplementation
Other Resources
Useful Contacts
ACS Global Partners
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Human Nutrition - PDF Ebook
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